10 Pictures 'friendzoned Victims' Can Relate To

1. A MIND TALK of When you ask how long you'll continue to be in the Friendzone and her reply...

                                                                                                         2. When you, the Friendzonee are alone together with the Friendzoner; Just about when you thought She's about to be considerate...Hell No. Duhh!

                                                               3. When you see a pretty lady walking alone and you think she has no one. Only to check her Friendzone Crib...what!

                                                                                                     4. You trying to escape from her Friendzone Crib

                                      5. You dressed all you can, put on powerful body spray and a manly look. Yet this is how she sees you...

                                                                          6. When you're trying to get her emotional with her and she punches you back to your senses: that punch is a REMINDER of where you are from; FRIENDZONE

                                                                                        7. A chat between a FRIENDZONER and the Friendzonee

                                                                                       8.her replies                                                   9. The very reason most guys are still in the FRIENDZONE

                                                                                    10. When your think she's with you BUT in actual sense, you're absolutely ON YOUR OWN.
